Robot Foamer

Pan Am Railways District 2

Train-activated automatic camera
Milepost 24 @ Shawsheen, Andover, Mass. on the MBTA Commuter Rail and Pan Am Freight Main.

IMPORTANT NOTICE! This Webcam was turned off on 26 July 2013. Image is not current.

Robot Foamer is seeking a new location with a view of the railroad. Please click on the notice for info and contact me by email if you have a location that may host the webcam.

Webcam Information

Images are taken with a 1.3 megapixel USB webcam connected to a desktop PC running Ubuntu Linux with ZoneMinder camera software.

Robot Foamer is designed to detect moving trains and take snapshots of them. The most recent 15 snapshots are uploaded to the webserver every five minutes.

Copyright (c) 2013 by Alexander Svirsky